BEI Blog

BEI has been serving the Ohio area since 1991, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Data Backup Protects Everything You’ve Built

Data Backup Protects Everything You’ve Built

When you have a thorough and powerful data backup strategy in place at your business, you are protecting your operations, your employees, and your customers from an array of terrible scenarios. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t think of data loss in the terms it should be considered in, a complete travesty. Today, we thought we would briefly describe the long and short of data backup and recovery practices that can put your business in a position to secure and restore your data should it be corrupted, destroyed, or stolen.

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Tip of the Week: Selecting the Right Productivity Suite

Tip of the Week: Selecting the Right Productivity Suite

The productivity software suites now available to businesses have come a long way in a relatively very short time. However, when selecting one, it is still crucial to compare your options based on a few key variables. Let’s go over these variables to make sure that the software suite you’re using is the right one for your needs.

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Why It Pays Off to Audit Your IT

Why It Pays Off to Audit Your IT

Large, medium-size, and especially small businesses are facing some difficult times at this point—and for them to make it through this and flourish in the future, some long-term changes are going to be necessary. Let’s break down a few ways that technology should play a role in these changes.

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Will Google Revolutionize Internet Privacy?

Will Google Revolutionize Internet Privacy?

Your privacy on the Internet matters, even if you don’t think you have anything to hide. Over the last few years, this has become more and more evident as we watch tech giants profit off of understanding the people who use their services. Facebook, Amazon, and Google are among them. Google in particular has made some recent policy changes that are worth understanding.

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Tip of the Week: Replicating Text Across Microsoft Word Docs

Tip of the Week: Replicating Text Across Microsoft Word Docs

Microsoft Word offers a variety of handy capabilities that could potentially save users a lot of time—including the means to replicate text across multiple documents, down to the formatting. In doing so, you can edit the text in one place to edit all instances of it simultaneously. Let’s go over how to accomplish this.

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The Right Practices Will Get Employees Thinking About Their Own Security

The Right Practices Will Get Employees Thinking About Their Own Security

People look at their work differently, just as they view their lives differently. The many different perspectives of your staff brings a bit of variance of how they view data security. This isn’t so good for your business as you need to trust them to prioritize the security of your data and infrastructure. Let’s take a look at some of the best practices that you should be training your staff in, which will allow them to protect your data better, and theirs. 

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The Right IT Can Be a Solid Profit Generator

The Right IT Can Be a Solid Profit Generator

Revenue generation is the name of the game for businesses. That’s why the decisions they make with their available capital are really important. SMBs especially need to have a rapid and noticeable return on their investments if they want to keep pace. To that end, technology is one investment that can provide that kind of fast ROI. Here are three ways you can use technology to benefit your business.

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Microsoft Exchange Enabled a Global Cybersecurity Event

Microsoft Exchange Enabled a Global Cybersecurity Event

Bad news—thanks to four flaws in Microsoft Exchange Server software, over 60,000 individuals and organizations have had their emails stolen by a cyberespionage unit based in China, with over 30,000 of those targeted being in the United States. Let’s review what has taken place up to the time of this writing, and what can be done about it.

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What’s Going on With the Internet?

What’s Going on With the Internet?

The Internet was always envisioned to be a network capable of sharing information across the globe—hence, the term “world wide web.” However, many online services are currently at odds with governing bodies, many business tactics and decisions impacted or even prohibited as a result. Let’s examine some of these tactics, and how the Internet has been impacted.

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Automation Can Bring a Lot of Business Benefits, with Few Tradeoffs

Automation Can Bring a Lot of Business Benefits, with Few Tradeoffs

The most successful businesses are those that are always seeking to improve what they offer—oftentimes, taking a successful element and simply making it more efficient to deliver. In the past, this basically meant that businesses needed to have their employees work more quickly. However, today’s improved technology and the automation that it makes possible have delivered a much more consistent option.

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An Upcoming Windows Update Might Optimize Your PC Based on How You Use It

An Upcoming Windows Update Might Optimize Your PC Based on How You Use It

Windows is the most used operating system in the world, which should really come as no surprise. After all, it can be found in just about every environment: most businesses utilize it, and there is no shortage of Windows desktops and laptops in homes around the world. While nothing has been set in stone yet, Microsoft may implement a new setting to let all the different uses of Windows shine.

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Productivity Is the Most Important Metric

Productivity Is the Most Important Metric

For any business endeavor, productivity has to be at the very top of the hierarchy of metrics. Think about it, it doesn’t matter what field you work in or what market you cater to, if your business isn’t productive it is going to have a hard time being profitable. For almost a year, many businesses have relied on remote workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and regardless of what you think about remote work, metrics have shown a fairly surprising rate of productivity out of remote workers over this time. With 12 months of data in hand, we take a look at why productivity is still a king of metrics and how the ongoing pandemic has affected the workforce’s productivity.

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Your Data Recovery Needs to Be Ironed Out Before You Lose Your Data

Your Data Recovery Needs to Be Ironed Out Before You Lose Your Data

Data backup is a must-have for every business, but it isn’t enough to just copy your data. You will need to have a data recovery strategy in place to ensure that your business can effectively respond after a data loss incident. Today, we’ll take a look at why considering your recovery strategy early is important, and how to prioritize it with everything else going on with your business.

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Does Your Business Have Enough Bandwidth To Grow?

Does Your Business Have Enough Bandwidth To Grow?

Chances are you can’t “speak” face-to-face with your customers right now due to social distancing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t conduct business. The internet has allowed many companies to keep their lines of communication open throughout the entirety of the pandemic and these strategies will likely be sustained after this period is over. Ironically, the reliance on online communication has exposed the gaps in broadband businesses face. Today, we will help you learn a little bit more about how to determine if your business may need more bandwidth. 

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How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 2: Resizing

How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 2: Resizing

It wasn’t long ago that we shared a post that described the most common formats used to share image media online or via your email. The idea is to make sure the images you generate are contained in the smallest amount of space possible (or a smaller file size) to make them quick and easy to share and download—the trick is to do it without sacrificing any image quality.

Let’s go over how to do just this while using the most common image editing program out there: Adobe Photoshop (although the same process should work for just about any application you use).

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How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 1: File Types

How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 1: File Types

If you operate online at all, being able to properly manage your pictures is extraordinarily useful. This week, we’ve put together a guide that will hopefully give you the information to understand the basics about manipulating images for use online. 

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How Can the Zoombombing Issue be Solved?

How Can the Zoombombing Issue be Solved?

Conferencing has played a crucial role for businesses, and never more than in the past year. Unfortunately, this has presented the opportunity for trolls to join in these remote collaboration efforts, interrupting them with inflammatory and vulgar content. Labelled “Zoombombing”, these attacks have led to the implementation of numerous privacy protections and countermeasures… but the question remains: how effectively do these protections defend a business’ efforts?

As a study has revealed, not effectively enough.

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Tip of the Week: Keeping Tabs on Your Chrome Browser Tabs

Tip of the Week: Keeping Tabs on Your Chrome Browser Tabs

If you’re a user of Google Chrome, there are probably a few browser tabs that you frequently have open. Here, we wanted to go into a few tips to help you get the utmost use out of these tabs, highlighting a few neat features Chrome offers.

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How to Count Down to Beneficial Data Redundancy

How to Count Down to Beneficial Data Redundancy

A business’ data needs to be considered a priority, which means that its protection should be prioritized accordingly. One facet of doing so is maintaining a backup with a strategy in compliance to best practices. To accomplish this, your backup should feature something that isn’t often considered a benefit: redundancy.

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Are Apple Computers Really More Secure?

Are Apple Computers Really More Secure?

For the better part of four decades, Apple has bragged that not only are their devices more secure than PCs, hackers don’t bother building threats specifically for their operating systems because their security is so superior. For this reason, Apple has routinely refused advances from law enforcement to share workarounds so that police can get into phones. Apple’s rationale for this constant refusal is that it would undermine their ability to keep the most secure personal computing devices, secure. Federal law enforcement officials went ahead and developed their own workaround and the findings may surprise many Apple aficionados. Let’s take a look:

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4700 Rockside Road Ste 625
Independence, Ohio 44131